Thursday 25 April 2013

The Golden Words to change one self

Jai Jinendra Jai Gurudev Jai Gurumaa

With blessings of parmatma and aagnya of Guru following phrases will help you understand briefly the true essence of your soul and understand and put yourself in a better positive way :
Here the success is truly related with liberation and purification of one’s soul & not with worldly things.
(Just try one thought a day from below mentioned phrases-stick to it the whole month-experience the changes in yourself.)

1.)   “When a person learns to RESPECT, he is never REJECTED”.

2.)   Truth of life : “Whatever i have or get is due to my karmas;whatever others have or get is due to their karmas”.

3.)   We must be very clear that no one else can give us happiness,prosperity & progress, We ourselves must control the state of our mind
4.)   During happy & prosperous times,share whatever you have with others. Make optimum use of your resources & help the needy. Donate to the poor & less fortunatesouls, learn to extend a helping hand.
5.)   The infinite treasure of knowledge within us is covered by layers of our ego which block our knowledge & vision.

6.)   One,who starts his day by bowing down at his mother’s pious feet,can never be unsuccessful in life.
7.)   A confident person always succeed : A person who starts with a positive frame of mind and right attitude becomes successful in every walk of life. One with a wavering mind & low self-esteem will not succeed anywhere.
8.)   Humility creates positive force within you

9.)   Parmatma says : “My seeker who desires success should not be affected by trivial disturbances”.

10.)  Remember : “The values and behaviour inculcated in previous birth influence our conduct in the present birth”.

11.)  Relations : “Be friends with all with an awareness that the soul is alone”.

12.)  Once you start loving parmatma, love for worldly affairs & material things will automatically start declining.
13.)  Make every effort to change thy values rather than conduct.(because our values remain constant...therefore, the tendencies will be carried forward)
14.)  Remember one thing : Superficial changes don’t work, we need to remove the impurities from our soul.
15.) Our soul is only our rightful possession, the rest doesn’t belong to us. (so always be contended & if at all you get obsessed, it should be only towards soul)
16.) All the above are God’s preaching & very few spread his preachings : Therefore contribute to his work, spreading God’s preaching is True Worship.

Conclusion : In today's era most of us are always in search of short cut to achieve peace, above mentioned phrases can bring a difference in just changing attitude towards one's self without expecting other's to change.

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